Why Invest Sustainably?
The principles of Unitarian Universalism that we teach our children and proclaim from our pulpits are only truly meaningful if we integrate them into our personal lives and the lives of our congregations. We all strive to do this in the way we treat each other and the way we relate to the broader community but we have not always fully thought through how our principles should be reflected in the management of our personal and congregational finances. The question of how to align our investment portfolios with our values is not a new one but pressing issues such as climate change and racial justice are forcing many to confront it head on. Meanwhile the range of options available to UUs that want to invest based on their values continues to grow.
How to align your your investments with your Unitarian Universalist values
Step 1
Divest from companies and industries whose business activities conflict with our values. Industries such as tobacco, gambling, alcohol and weapons have been the most common ones to avoid. In recent years the most salient issue has been carbon, with calls to divest from fossil fuels becoming widespread. Divesting from undesirable industries is straightforward but it is not enough to effect real change.
Step 2
Seek out investments that actively promote our values. This enables us to use our funds to support companies that are leading the economy in a positive direction. By combining these two steps we are not just keeping our savings from being invested in ways that conflict with our values, we are using our savings to further our values.
What should Unitarian Universalists and their congregations divest from?
We should divest from the following, at a minimum:
Weapons of any kinds, whether for military or civilian use
For-profit prisons
Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas
Production, distribution and sale of opioids
Gambling and tobacco
What should Unitarian Universalists and their congregations invest in?
We should seek out the following investments, among others:
Companies with environmentally sustainable business practices
Clean energy technologies
Companies with a track record of treating employees and customers fairly
Companies with a proven commitment to racial justice.
Financial institutions that make funding available to marginalized communities
But will adopting sustainable investing hurt returns?
Over the long run investors should benefit from investing sustainably. To quote investment consultant Towers Watson:
“We believe that a sustainable investment approach, taking account of a wide range of environmental, social and governance issues alongside more traditional financial factors in the investment process, can help active managers to gain a better understanding of the risks and opportunities within their investment universe. This in turn should enable them to construct portfolios with superior long-term risk and reward profiles.””
Interested in Learning More?
White Pine Advisory, LLC
32 Kilsyth Road 2nd Floor
Brookline, MA 02445